My Blog is Moved!!!!!
Here's the new link to my blog from now on
My blog were I talk about me, stuff, random stuff, and craziness!!
Hola! ¿Comó te llamas? Me llamo Sarah! ¿Comó estás hoy? Estoy muy bien, gracias!
LOL. I bet you thought I was hispanic or something, right? Well nope, I'm not. I'm taking spanish class at school. So I'm not perfect, but at least I'm trying!!!! So my palabrases españoles de la semana es:
¿estás tonto? para qué me pegas? -> don't be stupid! what are you hitting me for?
tonto -> stupid
enemigo -> hater
These words we sure come in handy!
LOL. Today was a good day for me. I'm not going to write everything obviously because ppl I know read this nd yah. Also in my head and declared by me, today is officially Roast day. Which means yah better go roast someone like right now. If you don't know what roast means [roast = diss]. Comprendo? Good. Also, my new favorite phrase is 'hop off my jock' which means, declared by, means 'leave me alone'. Man, aren't you learning many new words today. Also, like I won't be writing as much cause as soon as my 'rents get home im getting my fone taken away because apparently I'm obsessed w/ facebook. Gosh. Well I'm off to do my homework and control my wanna-eat-alot disorder so I can watch 90210 2nite. Peace nd Hop off my jock dude.